Character Design Proposal

Design Annotation
Runes under the eyes mean protection and courage - Created using black eyeliner
Model's natural skin tone - moisturiser and foundation match model's natural
Brown patches represent dirt - light sfx dirt and moisturiser
The red triangular area shows a flat mould shape - a flat mould created from silicone and bald cap plastic. Filled with dark wound filler and lighter runny blood
A light brown line above the eyebrow shows scars - silicone Bondo
The Character I am creating will be a Viking warrior who was injured by a short blade that caused multiple lacerations in varying directions. The inspiration for this design came from varying sources within media most of which were live-action representations of Norse Vikings. One of these included Vikings Valhalla one of the many series that predict Vikings and their way of life while being available for streaming on Netflix. To support this design, I looked at a lot of different sources within media varying from live-action modern representations others from past decades and even animated series.

